Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Our Temple Visit

We spent the morning visting the temple. Dave took lots of photos, it really was an amazing place. We saw lots of families there praying for a recently deceased loved one. You could tell that's what they were doing because they all had a red rope (or ribbon) tied around their waist. Dave said lots of prayers and lit incense to leave by the temples. QingNan just liked to light the incense. There was a woman who was near tears when she found out that all four of the kids were ours. She said we were just like "Buddha" and had great big hearts. She kept telling me thank you. She was very sweet and kind.
We did get to see an amazing Banyan tree...that's what the kids are climbing on in the photo. It was a great day, warm and pleasant.
After the temple we went to lunch at KFC. Qing Nan wanted icecream and was quite agreeable to eat all of his lunch before he could get the icecream. We then went into the supermarket to get some water and juice. Matthew was quite funny when he said, "no toys again..." What a great sense of humor!
He did throw a small temper tantrum when I would not allow him to go up to the hotel room with Sarah and Grace for water. He stomped his foot and started to whine. I told him "no" and stomped my foot for emphasis. He came right back to me, not happy, but compliant. That was the end of that. Our guide, Catherine, commented that she saw lots of changes in Matthew.
So we are making progress, little by little. We spent some time in the hotel room and Matthew kept calling me, trying to get my attention. He helped put lotion on my arms and just wanted to be near me. I'd say he's accepting his Momma....
We are off to the park and then to dinner. We may attempt the chinese restaurant again...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are so happy to see Matthew with you (we are fellow CHI'ers) even though it has not been easy for you. He is so lucky to have you! We are waiting for "Darron" from List 17B.

Krista in FLorida