Thursday, November 15, 2007

Leaving to Guangzhou

In a few short hours we leave to go to Guangzhou. This transition plays such a major role in our adoption journey. For whatever reason the children change when they get to this next province. Maybe it's a feeling of security that they aren't going to be returned to the orphanage. Whatever it is we know that Matthew will turn yet another corner.
I, unfortunately, got very sick yesterday. I spent the better part of the day and the night in the bathroom. I'm sure it was something that I ate, who knows what it was. This morning I was able to have some tea and a bananna but nothing else. I'm trying to stay hydrated but cannot think of putting any food into my mouth. What a horrible diet this is....For those of you who think I'm having my children the easy way I so want to scream....being very far from home, not speaking the language and GETTING SICK on top of all of that is not easy, far from it!
Matthew continues to do well though this morning he quickly ate his breakfast and stomped his feet and whined when he couldn't immediately leave the table. He tried to play under the table and really was not happy when Dave put him in his seat. Oh well, we quickly got past that.
As we were packing yesterday and this morning I tried to tell him we were all going on a plane. I mimicked a bird and he giggled. He is a little nervous because he just doesn't know what is happening. When our guide gets here she will be able to explain it all to him.
Oh, I've had several emails asking if I can read the comments left on my blog. No I cannot. But please don't let that stop you from leaving them. Some day Matthew will be able to have a nice record of his journey and all of the support we received.
Right now I'm regretting the choice to go to Hong Kong for a few days, I'm exhausted. Hopefully after our time in Guangzhou I will get reenergized and be ready for Disneyland.

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