Yesterday I took Matthew and Grace to get their eyes checked. Not because anyone seemed to be having a problem but just for a check-up (next week Sarah and Analiese go). So, imagine my surprise when during the exam Matthew could only see the REALLY LARGE letters. You could have knocked me over with a feather when the doctor informed me that Matthew had a pronounced "astigmatism" in one eye and the other eye also had an astigmatism, just not as bad.
The doctor wrote out a prescription, indicated that Matthew should wear his glasses all of the time, come back in a month and if his eyes had not "balanced" out then Matthew would have to wear a patch!
Seems that if we don't correct the weaker eye then it could be in danger of becoming even weaker! WOW! And Dave and I had no idea Matthew was having trouble seeing. Come to think of it, Matthew more than likely doesn't know he is having trouble seeing! Poor sweet boy. I don't think there is one part of his little body that works the way it is supposed to.
Anyway, today we went to try on glasses. We had a great time. Matthew was too funny. When we tried on the glasses, all of them had a sticker of some sort on the lens. When I would ask Matthew how the glasses felt he would complain, "I can't see with this (pointing to the label)." I then would explain that the label would be removed but he just shook his head. He was very anxious to look at himself in the mirror. He agreed to try on all of the glasses I handed him. Matthew especially liked the red ones until Dave told him that they were "girl" glasses.
We tried on quite a few frames and realized that something was going to have to be done to keep the glasses on Matthew's face. Because Matthew does not have a bridge on his nose, every pair of glasses slid right down!
We eventually chose a pair and think they make Matthew look very studious! Seriously, the glasses help take away some of the physical characteristics of his disorder and help him look more like an average 7 year old. Boy, God does work in mysterious ways.
We hope to have Matthew's glasses in a few days and will post a photo of the ones we chose. Until then, won't you vote for your favorite????
Get This - Survey Results -
I hate to be first but I love numbers 4 and 5
Love the Harry Potter classes!
Voted for #5, but he looks so handsome in all of them! Can't wait to see the final choice. Hope to see you at FF as you know you are my mentor mom and have about 650 questions for you!!
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