Monday, August 6, 2007

First Day of School

Today was the first day of school!  There was much excitement, both last night and this morning, at the Evans house!  
Even though today marked the last day of summer for us, we were all ready.  I should say all of us, except for Analiese.   She warned us last week, as we made preparations for the start of school that she was going to cry.  And cry she did!  She started in the car with David and then latched onto Daddy's leg, wailing, and would NOT let him go.  
However, when I called later she had calmed down and was doing just fine.  Then when I picked her up she told me she had fun.  She did ask though, "is today my last day of school?"  Oh, sweet, sweet Analiese!
Sarah is all grown up in the fourth grade (or as she said, "I'm almost in the 5th grade"). Grace told me she saw her kindergarten teacher from last year and that she had a "class full of babies".  Grace doesn't remember that SHE was one of those babies last year; Mom remembers it clearly!
We missed Matthew sharing in the excitement of the first day.  Hopefully he'll be home soon; his teachers are waiting for him!
On another note, our VISAS were delivered by Carol on Saturday.  We were able to spend some time with her and her family; what nice people.  The best part is that Analiese's passport came on Friday so we were able to hand that over to Carol so she could get that VISA when she returned home on the 14th of August.  See, there IS a plan that is much better than mine!


Donna said...

Isn't the first day so exciting and a little sad?! Crazy the mixed emotions us moms have all the time. Thanks for sharing this journey with me.

Susan and Dan said...

That "leg hold" thing ...oh my! I guess kids can get away with that for several years, but I'll betcha many adults probably feel like doing the same thing but we just couldn't get away with such irrational behavior!(and still be able to adopt)
First day looks good from an outfit standpoint, you have three beauties!!