Monday, January 3, 2011

Back to work

It was rough going back to work today.  I really got used to sleeping in and having lots of unscheduled time.  I mean Dave and I actually got to sleep in until 10:00 on New Year's Day!!!  We haven't done that in years.

In anticipation of my early morning, I went to bed at a decent hour (10:30).  I set the alarm for 5:45 and fell asleep instantly.  What time did I awaken??? 4:00---and could not fall back to sleep until 5:30!!!

I took Grace to the gym this morning prior to going to work (She is going to have the easiest time going back to school since she continued with her gym schedule throughout the break) and felt like I was in a fog!

I was very busy today but all I could think about was how much I missed being at home :(

So, tomorrow is another day and by the end of the week my break will be a distant memory.  But, I can see February 21st just around the corner.  What's February 21st you ask?  Well, it's my winter break of course--one more week to enjoy away from work!

I LOVE my work schedule!!!

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