Having children is harder for some than for others. Some couples decide it's time to start a family and a pregnancy they celebrate in no time at all. For others they try and try and try and then they try some more. A handful will find success and cherish the life they've created, while others continue on in the quest to have a family.
Adoption used to be the option that only those left still searching chose to start their family with. But now that isn't the case. Adoption is no longer the "second best choice"; it's now a first choice, an additional choice and yes, an only choice for some.
Our family decided on our first adoption for different reasons then our second and eventually our third. With each experience we've learned more and more. But some things have been constant; adoption is a leap of faith, a calling and it NEVER turns out the way you envision it will.
With Grace, we expected a baby and got a toddler, with Analiese we looked forward to the smooth experience we had with Grace but soon learned that all is not as it seems and finally with Matthew we were (and continue to be) challenged beyond anything we could imagine.
I say all of this because I have learned of a family who planned, dreamed and prepared for their toddler from China. They educated themselves to this child's physical needs, possible issues and prepared the other children in the family. However, when they got to their child's country nothing was what they prepared for. Oh the physical needs of their child existed but they found emotional, and adjustment issues they, as a unit, a family, felt they could not handle.
In grief and in shame they chose to leave this child behind and not bring them home. They believed the issues were mountainous and were not willing to possibly disrupt their existing family to provide a family for this new child. For everyone it has been an emotional rollercoaster and a loss that will take time to heal.
I post about this because so many people venture onto this road of adoption and only see the rosy view. They don't expose themselves to "dark side" and if they happen to hear of a story, like the one above they discount it as "something that could NEVER happen to us". Well it does happen and when it does, the more prepared you are, the more support you have the more likely it is the situation will turn out to be positive.
So, if you are on the adoption road and find yourself surrounded by only the positive side, I urge you to seek out the other side. You'll be glad that you did. Because when you are faced with the challenges your new child will bring, (and you WILL, trust me) you have some things in your "bag of tricks" and be able to face it head on.
Please pray for the above mentioned family. They are hurting and need our support.