Friday, December 14, 2007

A Very Bad Day

Matthew had a HORRIBLE day at school. It seemed to start, according to his teacher, first thing. She noticed that he did not want to do his morning work, something that he loves to do. It went down hill from there. By 10AM she came to me and said that he had just refused to do anything, even PE class. When I went to see, he was standing outside of the gym, refusing to go in. I tried to get him to comply but he told me no.
I removed him, called Dave and then went and had my own little melt down as the assistant principal dealt with my son. Dave arrived and it was agreed that I would no longer be the first line of defense. I just cannot deal with the issues 24/7.
By the end of the afternoon, after Matthew refused to go with his ESOL teacher, he had to be restrained because he was screaming, yelling, falling on the floor, kicking and hitting anyone within reach (which happened to be teachers and administrators).
When we left school he was kept from the tumbling he so enjoyed and then sent to his room. I explained, the best that I could, why he was being punished. He had no tears and, what seemed like, remorse. At one point, in his room he wrote, MATTHEW, with no help. This child is learning so I cannot write off his behavior as not understanding, because he DOES understand and he has changed his behavior at home. All I can surmise is that he is choosing to be defiant because he just doesn't want to do what he is asked to do and somewhere in his past, this behavior got him what he wanted!
Next week we have a meeting at school. This is just my worst nightmare. I am now the PARENT of the type of children I am responsible for! What do I do????


Donna said...

Slow down and just breathe- oh and most importantly PRAY! You are the best person for the job of Matthew's mother and I believe you will get the wisdom to know what to do next in Matthew's education. You are strong and a good mother and yes you deserve a meltdown every now and then. Once you are focused and have listened to the Man in charge, you will know what to do :)

Anonymous said...

Find a friend or make a new one in order to have someone to talk it through with. There are so many that are praying for you -- Kim and I are just 2 of those. Pray as we continue to keep all of you in our prayers. Finding the calm attentive ears of a friend and through prayer your answers will come and you will find the strength to follow through with those answers. If you want to talk, Kim would be glad to listen as she is a retired special ed teacher. Donna will know how to get her. She understands the fear of being the parent of one of the children she would have been responsible for.

Michael Perry