Saturday, January 2, 2010

A blessing to ALL!

We all went to watch Grace at her elite clinic today. As usual, Analiese charmed someone into playing with her. No, it wasn't another child, it was an adult! Analiese spent the time talking, laughing, talking and laughing some more with this other mom. This mother just loved Analiese! She told me how wonderful she thought our little girl was. Of course I concurred and told her that it was Analiese's lot in life to touch other's lives. She laughed and said she was SO glad that she had been blessed with meeting Analiese!

I must say that Analiese is always so full of energy, love and happiness. She forever is telling me how much she loves me and how happy she is that I am her Mom. For days she has been trying to arrange a day where I don't have to do anything but relax (you know Mom you can read, take a bath, watch TV or play Wii). Unfortunately no one wants to take on my responsibilities so Analiese is now looking for someone to at least take over the cooking...

Another thing about Analiese is that she is always and I mean ALWAYS laughing or smiling! She is the happiest child I have ever met. This is a little girl who spent the first years of her life in the most impoverished of conditions--no heat, no running water, very little food, sharing a crib with three other children, and not having a family of her own.

Instead of breaking her spirit, her circumstance seems to have infused her spirit with brightness and charisma! I think that is why raising Analiese is such a challenge! We have to be so careful not to break her spirit but to channel it into a positive direction!

I think I understand why God waited until I was older to bring me together with my children. I certainly would not have been up to the challenge when I was in my 20's to handle the gifts my girls have. Not that I'm an expert now but I certainly am less self-centered and selfish and able to focus more on being the best Mom I can be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice post. thanks.